How to get your first job at Brokerme

get your first job at Brokerme

How to get your first job at Brokerme

As Brokerme has not yet had an area for Freelancers so they can create their profile, we recommend that you follow this guide, which aims to assist freelancers on how to get your first job in Brokerme.

Brokerme is a platform that connects freelancers with people and companies without any bureaucracy, just that the freelancer signs up providing initially only the email through the link. After registering, the freelancer begins to receive several jobs in his email.

Freelancer then applies to the job to correct your skills. At this point he sends his resume containing information about education, experience and contact details.

Here’s the best part! The company contacts the freelancer directly through Brokerme. Company and Freelancer enter into an agreement for the start of the project without Brokerme restricting both. No freelancers are charged at all, only one fee is charged to companies or people who need to find freelancers to do the job.

But since Brokerme doesn’t use a feedback platform or success score, then there comes a question. Customers have no way of knowing if the freelancer is a reliable person who can actually provide the skills he says he is capable of. Fortunately, there are some steps that the freelancer can take to pass more credibility and trust to companies or to those who will hire you.

1 – Create a linkedin profile

  • Use a business-friendly photo (The first impression is the one that stays).
  • Write about the position you want (Detailed description).
  • Consider adding an introductory video.
  • Post your most relevant works.
  • Add your work and education experience.
  • Include links to the jobs you’ve completed.

2 – Apply to projects related to your skills

  • Start with small projects and punctuals

3 – Cherish on your resume and your cover letter.

  • See this link an example of how to create a simple and objective curriculum. Here we show some tips on how to create your cover letter.
  • You can also create your resume or cover letter using the website, where you have several professional resume templates for you to try for free.

4 – Create a portfolio

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