Freiberufler werden – Teil 5

Freiberufler werden – Teil 5

To continue our series How to become a freelancer, let’s address a very important subject: How to be a freelancer formalized. Let’s talk about MEI (Individual Micropreneur), which is one of the best formalization options for freelancers in Brazil. In other countries direct contracts with the customer are made.


MEI – Individual Microentrepreneur, what is it?

The MEI is the small individual entrepreneur that has a billing of up to R $ 60,000.00 per year and that carries out one of the economic activities found in this list:

To know more about the MEI visit the site:

How to be a freelancer formalized

When you leave the company and become a freelancer you lose some benefits like: FGTS, health insurance, 13th salary, unemployment insurance and vacations. But like every good Brazilian citizen you need to make your IR statement.

With MEI, you are exempt from paying the IR and pay monthly 49 or 50 reais as a service provider, which are the taxes of INSS and ISS.



You can look for an accountant to register for MEI, by law the services are free, or make your own registration by the link:


You will become a legal person and you can issue invoices to your customers. Many companies stop hiring a freelancer for not being legalized, being MEI, the doors will open up much easier.

And we come to the end of this series

Thank you those who accompany a series and hope you have liked! But there is a lot more for you to open up the freelance career. It is important that you always seek more to enrich your knowledge. Go ahead always!

A big hug to everyone and until the next post.

And do not forget, if you want to find jobs that match your abilities, this is the place to shine! And it’s free!

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