Why develop in wordpress?

Why develop in wordpress

Why develop in wordpress?

Why develop in WordPress is a faster and easier solution to work the SEO of your site!

WordPress is a content management system for website and blog development! developed in PHP with MySQL database! And the best of it, is that it’s a totally free platform!

If you have a low budget to hire a professional to develop your site you can even do it! Just study a little!

WordPress is very easy to use! and there are numerous tutorials on youtube explaining how to install!

In this video explains how to install WordPress:

To create a portfolio or a blog and even a beautiful, wonderful website, there are numerous plugins that help you in this task.


WordPress has several free themes that you can use on your site. There are themes from the most basic to the most beautified and complex!

In addition to the free themes you can also buy complete themes, the most well-known theme sales site is the themeforest. On this site you will find the most varied themes for the development of your site.

For developing websites with specific functions and needs the WordPress Plugins is the solution! Plugins are applications that complement and modify functionality in a site.
Example of Plugins:

  • Turn Your Website Into Ecommerce: Selling Plugins, Example: Woocommerce
  • Optimize Your WordPress Website: SEO Plugins, Example: YOAST SEO
  • Develop a Landingpage: Page Builder plugins, example: Elementor
  • Turn your site into a quiz: example: plugin Advisor Quiz

Anyway! you can create any kind of website with WordPress! but be aware that Plugins can be paid or free.

At the time of installing a plugin it is important that the plugin is compatible with the version of your WordPress, that it has already been tested in the version of WordPress in use and has been updated recently! Plugins with more than one year no update is a problem! can compromise the security of your site.

In this how to make a website site, you will have a complete and free steps on how to create a website on WordPress.


WordPress by itself if one of the best CMS in the world is also highly targeted by hackers, making it a constant target of cybercrime.

To avoid these risks there are several security measures to protect the privacy, integrity and availability of your administrator’s resources.

The most basic are:

  • Keep WordPress and Plugins always up-to-date;
  • Do not use the default admin login! change it to a different name;
  • Do not use weak passwords, use the WordPress password generator;
  • Limit the number of login attempts by installing the WP Login Lockdown plugin;
  • Disable the “anyone can register” option, this option is located under Settings on the General tab;
  • Back up your database frequently, you can do this through your hosting or through a plugin.

In order to further index the security of your site WordPress I recommend you know this matter: The Ultimate WordPress Security Guide – Step by Step (2018)


There are several reasons to develop your website in WordPress and the main ones are:

  • Total control in content management;
  • Responsive templates;
  • It is easy to use, because it is very practical and intuitive;
  • Applying the right security rules becomes a secure site;
  • And through Plugins you can better work the SEO of the pages of your site, giving enough result in your digital marketing;
  • In addition 27% of the entire internet works through WordPress technology, noting that WordPress has a very large active developer community compared to other CMSs on the market.

plugins premium WordPress